


Spreading“KOJI”Culture in Cambodia Spreading“KOJI”Culture in Cambodia



Spreading Koji Culture to Cambodia Spreading Koji Culture to Cambodia




As a company with a history of more than 300 years, we have opened a Koji product manufacturing factory and a fermentation restaurant in Battambang, a rice-producing region in Cambodia. We aim to promote our Koji-Do brand globally by merging the English word "Do" (meaning "to do") with the Japanese "Do" (道), symbolizing koji culture. We perceive koji as a single culture (Do).

At the factory in Battambang, we manufacture rice koji, salt koji, amazake, miso, and other products using only Cambodian organic ingredients and natural brewing methods. Additionally, we are collaborating with local companies to produce soy sauce and sake through technical cooperation.

About Amekaze 雨風について

1689年に醤油醸造業を始めた初代和泉屋熊次郎は、雨が降っても風が吹いても商いを休む事が無かった所から『雨風屋さん』と呼ばれて親しまれたのをきっかけに糀屋雨風の屋号が生まれました。 1945年以前は、宮内庁御用達となり宮中へ納品していた老舗醤油蔵の糀屋雨風は、幾代にも渡り伝承されてきた糀づくりの伝統技法をそのままに、一粒一粒丁寧に糀と向き合っています。 糀(こうじ)づくりを主に、その関連商品(味噌・醤油・醤油加工品・甘酒・どぶろく・等)を製造販売し、糀文化を世界に広めています。

Kumajiro Izumiya, who began brewing soy sauce in 1689, earned the affectionate nickname "Ame-Kaze-ya-san," which translates to "Mr. Rain and Wind," due to his dedication to business regardless of weather conditions. This led to the establishment of the trade name "Kojiya Amekaze." Before 1945, Kojiya Amekaze, a longstanding soy sauce brewery, held the prestigious title of supplier to the Imperial Household, delivering products to the Imperial Court. Upholding the time-honored tradition of Koji-making techniques passed down through generations, we handle each grain of Koji with care. Specializing in Koji production, we manufacture and distribute related products such as miso, soy sauce, soy sauce processed items, amazake, doburoku (unrefined sake), among others. Our mission is to spread Koji culture worldwide.

About Us 麹について


Koji is a fermented food that has taken root in traditional Japanese food culture. Specifically, it is made by growing a mold called Japanese koji mold (Aspergillus oryzae) on grains such as rice and soybeans. This mold is known as Japan's national fungus. It is responsible for converting grain starch into sugar and protein into amino acids. As a result, it is an essential element in the production of fermented foods and beverages such as miso, soy sauce, and sake. The appeal of koji lies not only in its role as a catalyst for fermentation but also in its ability to bring a unique flavor and sweetness to foods. In recent years, its health benefits and delicious taste have attracted increasing attention both in Japan and abroad. Cooking and beverages using koji have become a much-loved Japanese tradition due to their deep history and cultural background.

Build a new food value chain 新たなフードバリュー


In Cambodia, locally produced rice has little additional value due to the limited processing, resulting in low incomes for rice farmers. Furthermore, farmers lack knowledge about the value chain, making it challenging to introduce agricultural logistics and collaborate with the private sector. To address this issue, we aim to increase demand for rice koji by utilizing damaged rice, a byproduct of the polishing process, which has been ground to about 50%. Adding value to damaged rice will increase its demand, leading to the diversification and commercialization of farming and the creation of a new food value chain.





Cambodian damaged rice is used.

Rice, Cambodia's main agricultural product, is exported to many countries and regions, surpassing Japan's production. However, the reality is that there is a high probability of damaged rice due to issues with rice polishing technology. Therefore, our company makes effective use of the damaged rice produced during the rice milling process. Even if damaged rice grains are misshapen, their taste and nutrition remain unchanged. By manufacturing and providing koji using damaged rice, we reduce food loss and promote environmentally friendly business activities.



Dedicated Production Techniques

We uphold the tradition of koji making since our founding, while also focusing on improving safety and quality. We thoroughly educate our Cambodian staff to ensure that our customers can choose us with confidence.



Health Benefits of Active Enzymes

Koji contains a rich supply of enzymes that support digestion. In particular, it is abundant in amylase, which breaks down carbohydrates into sugars, and enzymes that break down proteins into amino acids. This helps regulate the intestinal environment and is expected to be effective in eliminating waste products and toxins.



Selected raw materials

ー Making koji KAMPOT SEA SALTを


Using Carefully Selected Raw Materials with KAMPOT SEA SALT

Our 'Koji-Do' products utilize not only rice but also carefully selected raw materials from Cambodia. It is said that less than 10% of the miso sold in Japan is made from domestically sourced ingredients, with much of it undergoing heat treatment for distribution. While heat treatment allows for long-term storage, it unfortunately deactivates enzymes. At AmekazeCambodia, we are committed to using exclusively Cambodian-sourced raw materials, ensuring that our products retain their enzymatic activity.


ー Restaurant 日本の伝統食を使ったレストラン


Japanese Traditional Cuisine Restaurant

To showcase Japan's fermentation techniques, particularly utilizing the potential of rice koji, we have opened a restaurant specializing in fermented foods in Battambang, Cambodia's rice-producing region. Our menu features dishes crafted with homemade miso, salt koji, amazake, and even homemade sake, offering flavors that are both delicious and nourishing for the palate and body alike.


Product Introduction


At Amekaze Cambodia, we offer a variety of products featuring koji.
Please enjoy the deliciousness of live koji, such as miso, salt koji that brings out the flavor of dishes, and amazake.

  • 生米麹


    Raw rice koji

    Raw koji made from organic cracked rice. You can make salted koji, miso, amazake, etc. at home.

  • 塩糀


    Salt koji

    This is a seasoning that brings out the flavor of the ingredients. Use it instead of salt on meat, fish, and vegetables.

  • 米味噌


    Rice miso

    We have recreated the taste that has been passed down in Sakai since ancient times. It has a well-balanced combination of the sweetness of koji and the flavor of soybeans.

  • 白味噌


    White miso

    This is a sweet miso that uses a lot of koji and is low in salt.

  • カシューナッツ味噌


    Cashew nut miso

    This is our original miso made from Cambodia's famous cashew nuts and koji.It has a cheese-like flavor and can be used as is for dips, etc.

  • 甘酒



    This is a nutrient-rich traditional Japanese energy drink, often referred to as a "drinkable IV drip." It is made solely from koji and water. Being alcohol-free, it is suitable for consumption by children as well.



We accept inquiries via email or Telegram, so please feel free to contact us.




We collaborate with local farmers and food processing companies to enable the sale and joint development of koji-related products. Please feel free to contact us via email or Telegram for inquiries.
